Bacteria // Dynamic Talks


Habitat : Bacteria are unicellular organisms and are found everywhere around us. They are present in soil, air, animals ,plants and even in humans.

Size : Size of bacteria varies from 0.15 
- 1.5 .

Shape : Bacteria unicellular organisms having a prokaryotic structure.
a. Spherical (cocci)
b. Rod shaped (bacillus)
c. Spiral shaped (spirillum)
d. Comma shaped (vibrio)
Locomotion : they possesses flagella for movement.

Nutrition : bacteria may be saprophytic or parasitic.

Saprophytic : They feed on dead or decaying matter.

Parasitic : They obtain nutrition from host body.

Reproduction : bacteria reproduce by process of binary fission. In this process a cell divided into two size along with cytoplasm and nucleus.

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