Prepositions #4

         15 Prepositions

1- Inquiry into- An enquiry into the police firing has been ordered.

2- Interest in- She takes keen interest in gardening.

3- Invitation to- I sent him an invitation to the wedding.

4- judge of- A blind man is no judge of colour.

5-  Key to- Hard work is the only key to success.

6- Lack of- The crop failed for the lack of rain.

7- Leniency to- The warden showed leniency to the prisoners.

8- Lust for (strong desire for)- I have no lust for money.

9- Match for- Sudha is no match for Radha.

10- Need of- He is always in need of money.

11- Objection to- He raised an objection to my proposal.

12- Pity for- He has no pity for the poor.

13- Pity on- He took pity on the beggar.

14- Pride in- Don't take pride in your wealth.

15- Protest against- The citizen made a protest against the new Taxes.
